Women Farmers, Senegal
Portraits of women farmers from the “Laabal” market garden in Kolda, Senegal. In an area where malnutrition is one of the highest in the country, the PINKK* project is helping to turn this situation around by supporting women in food security and income generation activities. PINKK assists farmers in growing nutrient-rich fruit and vegetables, providing an initial 5,500 households with agricultural and agri-business training, and distributing seeds and seedlings of nutritious, high-value crops. To date, 4025 gardens have been set up with PINKK support. Sixty five women work together at Laabal garden, pooling their surplus and resources together for sale at market, eliminating the high barriers of time, distance and expense in selling their produce. Shot on behalf of Nutrition International, the Government of Canada, World Vision, World Vision and Développement international Desjardins. (*Projet intégré de nutrition dans les régions de Kolda et de Kédougou).